Cardmarket automated
Invoicing + Shipping

ToolMark Hero Image
Philosophy: Simplicity, Best Practices and High Performance

How ToolMark Works

Step 1: Register

Register with ToolMark

Step 2: Connect

Connect your preferred invoicing, shipping, or bookkeeping options with the click of a view buttons.

Step 3: Apply rules

Apply rules that are necessary for your business, such as One-Stop-Shop, VAT, and more.

Click Save!

Steps image


Frequently Asked Questions

Dive into the following questions to gain insights into the powerful features that ToolMark offers and how it can elevate your Cardmarket journey.

Which tools do you connect to ?

Right now we support: Billbee, Easybill, lexoffice and sendcloud

How do I connect my Cardmarket account to ToolMark?

After you logged in to Cardmarket and ToolMark you simply click the connect button in ToolMark and approve the connection between ToolMark and Cardmarket.

Is there a free trial or demo available?

ToolMark does not offer any free trials as you are billed by usage. The maximum you pay per transaction is €0.22

How does ToolMark handle VAT and other taxes?

ToolMark provides you with several settings. First, you can set a static VAT. Additionally, we offer the OSS system, which gives you the option to set the VAT automatically based on the shipping or billing country.

Is there any training or onboarding process available?

We provide written and video training on how to set up and connect marketplaces with the tools and ToolMark.

What are the pricing plans for ToolMark?

You pay a variable fee, which is maximum € 0.22 per transaction. Then more you use then less you pay. The formula we use to calculate is log5(x+5)^3

Words from real customers

" ToolMark has exceeded our expectations and has become an indispensable tool in our sales process. We can highly recommend ToolMark and look forward to further collaboration. " - Logo


from - Cardmarket Seller

" ToolMark allowed me to completely automate the tedious task of manually creating invoices. Setting up the tool was super easy, with just a few clicks everything was connected. All in all, I am very satisfied with ToolMark and can recommend it to everyone. " - Logo


from - Cardmarket Seller

" ToolMarkt has become one of the most important tools for us. Operationally, it saves us a significant amount of working hours and thus real money, making the tool pay for itself. Additionally, new connections/tools are continuously added that make processing individual card orders much easier. Both my team and I can recommend ToolMarkt to anyone who wants to expand their single card assortment on Cardmarket. " - Logo


from - Cardmarket Seller

How many transactions do you have per month?

Ø Price Per Transaction:

Total Price in EUR:

* The monthly fees are depending on how much transactions went through our system.
The price you see is net (netto) excl. VAT! The fees are calculated with the following
formula, where X stands for the transactions. The maximum fee per transaction
is limited to 0.22 per transaction. The fees are charged earliest
on the 01 of the upcoming month: log5(x+5)^3